Georgia native Victoria Zak has had both the horse bug and an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age. As a child she fell in love with horses and equestrian sports, riding at various lesson barns before finding her way to Piedmont Pony Club. While she loved participating in everything that Pony Club had to offer, Victoria quickly realized that her passion was not a cheap one. She aspired to ride and compete at the top levels but knew that if she wanted to make her dreams a reality, she would have to get creative. Never one to shy away from hard work, at only 13 years old Victoria started her first online business, a belt company
called EquiBelts.
Through her EquiBelts venture she got a fast-track education about ecommerce and social media marketing, and even earned a feature article in Young Rider Magazine. Victoria was able to help fund her passion throughout her high school years, competing with her Pony Club locally at events and horse shows. After graduation
from high school and acceptance to Kennesaw State University, Victoria made the decision to put her riding aspirations on hold temporarily to focus fully on her studies.
Halfway through her college career, she knew that it was time to start looking ahead to the future. Victoria’s long-time dream of riding and competing at the top of the sport was still alive and well, and she knew that if she wanted to make it happen, she would have to be self-funded. Utilizing her prior business experience led her to a new area of the equestrian market that she felt passionate about, and an innovative business venture was born: Victoria Rose Equestrian Athletics.
Using the skills she’d learned from her first equestrian wear company as well as those garnered through her formal education, Victoria officially launched VREA in 2021. Her goals were two-fold: to create a chic, modern brand of equestrian sportswear for all riders, and to help fund herself back into the sport. Additionally, she wanted to be able to give back to the community in some way and help support riders like her, who were young and driven and working hard to make their dreams come true.
Maintaining the integrity of the VREA brand and using it to help support other aspiring equestrians remains a central focus for Victoria. Through the Rider Select Program, VREA partners with other up-and-coming equestrians to help them highlight their achievements as they work to make their mark on the sport, just like Victoria hopes to do for herself. Horsewomen supporting horsewomen: that’s what VREA is all about.